For 2024 BFA WC you can run your 2020 Foal (After November 15th) in the 4 year old futurity and in 2025 you can enter the same futurity colt in the 5 year old futurity. The Four year old and 5 year old futurity are separate. Your 2020 Foal that you are holding for a 5 year old futurity horse will be running against colts that have been competing all year so BFA does have a sidepot bonus for 1st time entering 4 year old futurity (Beginners).
Now the 4 year olds can roll time to 5 year old futurity HOWEVER if you are entering your colt for the 1st time (holding to compete as a 5 year old if you roll your time to the 5 year old futurity you CAN NOT compete on same horse in 2025, you can not run in the same futurity twice.
The 2020 foals that have been competing as futurity horses in their 4 year old year of course can not enter the 5 year old in 2025 they have already had their futurity year.