BFA Home

November 16- 23, 2024
Lazy E Arena, Guthrie, OK

Barrel Futurities of America (BFA) was established in 1986 to unify the Barrel Futurity Industry.
By setting up standards that Producers and Contestants follow, all BFA events are run under uniform guidelines.

Enjoy our Slideshow of the 2023 Barrel Futurities of America Champions, photos provided by Kenneth Springer:

Barrel Futurities of America enjoyed a successful 38th BFA World Championship hosted at the fabulous Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, Oklahoma, November 10-18, 2023, paying out over 1.5 MILLION in cash and prizes, with 1,047 entries competing during the week. The BFA World Championship also hosted the XN Ranch Junior Race and Adequan Open 4-D with 471 entries!

We hope you plan to attend the 2024 Barrel Futurities of America World Finals!


You can visit our BFA App where all online forms can be found by clicking here!

Most Recent News: (Click here for ALL published news updates)

BFA World Championships

Track the current top 50 money-earners, including all-time and yearly leading money-earners, sires, dams, grandsires, owners and breeders, in barrel racing every week with the QData Leaderboards!

Thank you to all the sponsors that make BFA World Championships successful!

We are proud to partner with the following businesses, brands and services. With the support of these great sponsors, we are growing an even bigger and better Barrel Futurities of America for you!

Please remember support these sponsors that support your sport and passions!


Adequan i.m.
Diamond R Trailers
4M Equine Ranch
100K Cattle Tag
Med Vet Pharmaceutials MVP
Mission Ranch

Click on Logos to Visit each sponsor’s respective websites. Be sure to tell them the BFA sent you!

Would you be interested in hearing about our sponsorship levels and opportunities?
Contact Us Today!